Leveraging Home Staging to Kickstart Your Real Estate Year


Official 2024 Kick Off


Today was the first day for our kids to be back at school. The new year is officially here in our family! As we embark on this new year together in the Seattle real estate market, leveraging home staging is an essential strategy for sellers looking to make an impact. Effective home staging sets the stage for a successful year by enhancing the appeal of properties, attracting more potential buyers, and ultimately, facilitating quicker sales. Let’s explore how you can utilize home staging to give your real estate endeavors a robust start in 2024.

Understanding the Power of First Impressions


Luxury Living Room Home staging by Decorus


The first impression a property makes is often the deciding factor for potential buyers. You have 7 seconds to hook a buyer when they open the front door. Home staging allows you to control this first impression by presenting the property in its best light. A well-staged home appears more inviting and can help buyers visualize themselves living in the space. We want potential buyers to open that front door and being wowed and drawn into the home wanting to explore and see it all.

Targeted Staging for Your Market


Seattle Home Staging targeting a younger demographic


Understand your target market and stage your property accordingly. Whether you’re catering to young professionals, families, or retirees, tailoring the staging to suit the lifestyle and preferences of your potential buyers can significantly enhance the property’s appeal. These differences in the buyer pool create unique situations in a small regional market like Seattle where a house on the Eastside in Issaquah is a completely different buyer pool then one looking in Capitol Hill. Taking these into account is an absolute must in the home staging design. One neighborhood is catered to more a young professional, vs a family with positions at Microsoft in Redmond. It is critical to design the staging around these potential buyers and their taste.

Declutter and Neutralize


Lake Sammamish waterfront home, occupied home staging by Decorus. Owners items styled.


In the case of an occupied home stage its crucial that the home owner declutters and neutralizes the space. Removing personal items and excessive décor helps depersonalize the property, making it a blank canvas for buyers. This step is critical in helping buyers envision their own lives in the home. We want to make it feel less like someone already lives there. This is the point where we are turning a home into a product which we want to market to a large buyer pool. Unsure how to do this, or don’t feel like being the bad guy during the listing review? Give us a call, we would love to come help direct the seller in the right direction to make your listing process smooth.

Highlighting Key Features


Snohomish staged home highlighting the grand dining room and French doors. Elegant furniture and florals.


Use staging to highlight the property’s best features, whether it's a spacious kitchen, a cozy fireplace, or a stunning view. Accentuating these features can make your property stand out in the competitive real estate market especially as we head into spring and things heat up in the Seattle market. The staged property should enhance the homes architecture and compliment its features. The staging should not feel distracting to the homes architecture, it should only enhance it.

Invest in Professional Photography


Professional photography


After staging, invest in professional photography to capture the beauty of your staged property. High-quality images are vital in today’s digital age, where most buyers start their property search online. Gone are the days of taking photos on your phone and posting them. First impressions matter, especially when savvy buyers are looking at listings on Redfin to send to their agent. Just like we have 7 seconds when a buyer is in a home to hook them, we need to hook them as they are scrolling and make them stop and click your listing. Not sure who to contact? We can help with that too!

Eco-friendly Staging


Accent chair in re-usable cover by Decorus Staging Solutions


Incorporate eco-friendly staging elements to appeal to environmentally conscious buyers. This could include using sustainable materials, energy-efficient lighting, and green plants when choosing items for the stage. Here at Decorus we try to minimize are impact and use our re-usable furniture covers we invented which has significantly reduced our plastic impact while keeping the furniture we use in home staging pristine.


Leveraging home staging is a powerful tool to kickstart your real estate year with your first listings of the year. It’s not just about making a property look aesthetically pleasing; it’s about strategically presenting it as a product to resonate with potential buyers, leading to faster sales and possibly higher offers. As you step into 2024, let home staging be the catalyst that drives your real estate success. Have questions about anything? Please don’t hesitate to contact us. We would love to discuss your upcoming listings!